Collection : PERIOD UNDIES

We understand the need to feel secure, prepared, and worry-free during any sudden, uncontrolled releases. Our bamboo core absorbs menses or urine leaks, whether they're the occasional minor drips or functional incontinence or the sudden urge to go. Our Relief Lilies are here for you.

Lily of the Valley's signature period panties is a menstruator's best friend. We make our monthly cycle a more comfortable and secure experience. No more irritating wings. No more moving pads. And most important of all, no more leaks causing unwanted blood stains.

Our Relief Lilies will include other menstrual health products like washable menstrual pads, menstrual cups, and organic pads & tampons.

Our Period Underwear collection improves your comfort and security during your monthly cycle, while encouraging a more sustainable lifestyle. Browse our other period products like cloth pads and our period care box.

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And here's our PROMISE - we'll always be here for you at every stage of your life. We're here to listen, and provide products that will TAKE CARE OF YOU.

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